ministérial activities

Hearing session to present the budget of the Higher Education and Scientific Research sector for the year 2024, before the finance and budget committee of the National People's Assembly

The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Mr. KAMEL BADDARI, participated today, Wednesday November 22, 2023, in the hearing of the finance and budget committee of the National People’s Assembly, chaired by Mr. SAAD BAGHIDJA, president of the commission, as part of the study of the budgets of the sectors included in the finance bill for the year 2024. Ms. BASMA AZOUAR, Minister of Relations with Parliament was also in attendance.
The minister spoke of the great dynamism experienced by his sector in order to give a concrete form to the strategy drawn up in this area and which is presented as follows:
-Review the courses map and regroup certain areas to create better compatibility and optimal distribution of courses points in university establishments.
-Facilitate the student orientation process.
-Encourage innovation and creative ideas to launch a program that guarantees students to create their STARTUPs.
-Give strong thrust to the sector digitalization program.
-Encourage institutions under supervision to create subsidiary institutions.

For his part, Mr. SAAD BAGHIDJA, president of the commission, highlighted during his speech the great efforts made in the sector of higher education and scientific research, which have enabled the institutions of university education in Algeria to achieve a qualitative leap in the world university rankings.