and deontology

The National Council of Ethics and Deontology of the University Profession, has developed and recently updated the charter of ethics and deontology of the university profession in August 2023 at the request of Mr. BADDARI Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

A charter that applies to the university community, public or private, and to all of its actors (teacher-researchers, permanent researchers, associate or guest teachers, students, administrative officials from ministries and university establishments, administrative, technical and on duty).


Plan d’Action Sectoriel, élaboré conformément à la note de M. le Premier Ministre n° 55 du 22 février 2020 relative à la mise en œuvre du Plan d’Action du Gouvernement.

Rapport d’activité du conseil, depuis son installation, en octobre 2019 jusqu’à aujourd’hui.

Exposé de quelques travaux du conseil durant l’année 2020.

Letter of
The minister



Committee's work

Committee's work

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