ministEriAL activitIEs

Mr. Kamel Baddari inaugurates a multi-technology chip design factory

On 30 December 2024, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Mr. Kamel Baddari, inaugurated the multi-technology electronic chip design factory at the Baba Hassen Centre of development of advanced technologies, including the 65 nanometer technology, the first of its kind in the country, which will enable Algeria to master the design and manufacture of electronic chips by April 2025.

• The centre has also set up a process to design chips of 13-nanometer technology ships for biometric cards in 2025,

• The business incubator, which will support the creation of 24 advanced technologies start-ups in 2025, was inspected,

• It was also an opportunity for the Minister to examine the various technological models developed by the Centre,

• This economic and commercial orientation of the centre is expected to create 1000 jobs for university graduates by 2027.