ministerial activities

Visit to the Research Centre for Scientific and Technical Information CERIST

Today, March 18, 2024, the minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Mr. Kamel Baddari, the minister of Post and Communications, Mr. Karim Bibi Triki, and the minister of Knowledge Economy, Start-ups and Micro-enterprises, Mr. Yacine El-Mahdi Oualid, visited the Research Center for Scientific and Technical Information, “CERIST,” in Ben Aknoun. This visit included the inauguration of the Digital Innovation facility, which contains:
-An advanced data centre with high specifications,
-An academic space for collaborative work,
-A digital innovative Facility that includes: a business incubator, and an entrepreneurship space for the stimulation and motivation of innovation and entrepreneurship, which in turn contains: a patent office, a Technology and Innovation Support Center (CATI), and an office of external relations.