ministérial activities

Mr. Baddari oversees the opening of a Study Day entitled 'University Sport... Realities and Perspectives'

Saturday, September 9, 2023- the minister of higher education and scientific research Mr. KamelBaddari oversaw -at the Faculty of Medicine of the University’ Benyoucef Ben khedda’ Algiers1, a study day on ‘ University Sport…Realities and Perspectives’, with a view toreviving the elite sports.
During his speech on the occasion, Mr. Baddari affirmed that’ the national plan concerning university sports, would render university sport,its development and revival, an essential part for the creation of a new sport elite’. Adding that ‘the sport elite would give a new radiance to Algeria, and make sport a considerable element for the entertainment of students besides academic success’.

Mr. Baddari, furthermore, stated that university sport competitions-in all its various activities are going to be launched, on September 19, 2023. As he affirmed that this step represents’ a beginningto implement the outcomes of the council of ministers meeting, held on last April 16, the date on which the President of the Republic Mr. AbdelmadjidTebboune ordered to revive university sports in order to form the elite’.
For his part, the representative of the ministry of youth and sports, noted to the position given by his sector towards university sports, which are bringing undergraduates together-as being an elite category- besides, providing more interaction and synergy among them.
As for the participants in the study day, they have been called to accompany the Algerian Universities SportsFederationand university institutions, in order to elevate the participation rate of athletic students from 4% to 15%, as a first step, in addition to discovering phenomenal athletics and orienting them towards sports club. As they stressed the need for the creation of a platform for monitoring athletic students and setting-up a fundamental law for this category, in addition to suggesting a new pattern for promoting sport competition across universities.